Your Mission Dollars at Work – May 2022

In March, the Mission Possible collection was taken to benefit Ukraine’s relief efforts.  Thank you to everyone for their generosity.  We collected $826, the missions group rounded up to $1,000.00.  A check was sent to a grassroots group, with their “boots on the ground”.  We all continue to hold them in our prayers.

Easter bags were distributed to some of our members as a way of reminding them we are thinking of them, even if they are unable to attend the weekly service.

We continue to collect Lenten Banks.  The money collected will be put toward one of our future projects.

On Sunday, April 24, we assembled 25 hygiene kits which will be brought to a central collection site.  From there the kits will be distributed around the globe, as needed, by Church World Service.

Missions will be working with the Wilton Collaborative Space Group
to offer two activities we really care about.  For years we have created blankets for the Linus Project.  We will be offering a series of workshops on making the blankets.  Our hope is that this will evolve into a larger group working on the blankets as well as a time to drop in and chat with others.  The blankets will continue to be given to sick or traumatized youth in southern NH at hospitals, by EMTs and policemen.  Watch for more information in upcoming newsletters.

We will also be sponsoring a “Dress a Girl” class.  This is an international project that provides a new, handmade dress to girls who may not have ever received anything new.  Dress A Girl Around the World is a Campaign under Hope 4 Women International (a 401 (c) 3 organization) bringing dignity to women around the world since 2006.  Hope 4 Women International is a nondenominational, independent Christian organization.  Some groups host a sew-a-thon, or this could be a multi-week project, depending on the interest.