Your Mission Dollars at Work

Linus Project

Church missions have teamed up with the Wilton Collaborative Space Group to offer a workshop and regular meetings for the Linus Project.  Initial funding for the purchase of more fleece was provided by the Collaborative Space Group.  We have been meeting on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month to work on the blankets.  Participation has ranged between 7 and 10 people each time and we have produced over 20 blankets in the past two months that have been donated to the Monadnock Chapter of the Linus Project.  Everyone is welcome to come, we can teach the easy crochet pattern if you do not know how to crochet.  

Wilton Lyndeborough Day of Service

Church Missions is joining up with the Wilton Community Center, Wilton Collaborative Space and the Wilton Lions Charitable Foundation to offer a Day of Service for the towns of Wilton and Lyndeborough.  The date is October 15 and there are lots of ways to participate.  There will be a walk to end hunger, trash pick up, clearing of brush at the reservoir, assisting veterans and seniors in outdoor cleanup, and weeding of the Community Gardens, to name a few areas of interest.  How can you help?  You can sponsor one of the projects with a monetary donation, or you can get sponsors and pitch in on one of the many projects planned.

At the end of the day there will be a community spaghetti dinner in the church hall, sponsored by Missions, to celebrate all the work done.  For more information please see Missions members or email: