mission dollars

Your Mission Dollars At Work

Calendar Fundraiser to celebrate our Church’s 200th anniversary

2023 will mark Second Congregational Church’s 200th anniversary. We would like to see this include town history, as well as the beauty of the Souhegan Valley.  We will welcome historical and recent photos of the Wilton area and its people, opening up to anyone to submit pics.    Our hope is to have the calendars printed by the first part of October, to be available for sale at fall events.  We ask everyone to look through old photos.  Please contact a Mission member for more information.

Walk for Open Cupboard

This year we will be walking again to support the Open Cupboard Pantry.  The date of the walk will be October 15, most likely beginning at 9:00 a.m.  We will begin and end at the church and there will be a short route and a longer route.  More details to follow.

Mission Possible Collection

The March collection will be dedicated to Ukraine to help support their local, grassroots charities.  We will be sending all funds dedicated to this collection to the non-profit group “Together Rising”.  If you wish to write a check for this collection, please make it out to Second Congregational Church and write “Missions” in the memo.  There is a lot of information on their website.  A statement on a recent blog:    “Together Rising is funding an additional $941,000 to support families whose lives have been shattered by the attacks on Ukraine. Your investment is providing:  An entire cargo plane of medical supplies, critical aid for hospitals, trauma-informed mental health support, urgent evacuations, shelter, coats,  blankets, and direct cash assistance.”

To date, they have directed over $2 million dollars.  If you would like additional information, please see