mission update

Your Mission Dollars at Work

Thanksgiving and Christmas Goodie Bags

In November and December, we delivered eighteen Thanksgiving and Christmas goodies bags to some of our senior members.  They were well-received and it was so nice to connect with these members, some of whom have not been able to come to church.

Linus Project, Knots of Love, Dress a Girl

  • In December, we delivered ten more Linus blankets to the regional Linus project.  In 2021, we created and donated 62 blankets to this great cause. 
  • We also donated twenty chemo caps to the Knots of Love organization. 
  • And ten dresses were delivered to a regional office of “Dress a Girl”.  If you would like to contribute by making dresses, caps or blankets, please see someone in Missions for materials and more information.

Donations were made to the following organizations in December: 

  • $250.00 to the Wilton Lyndeborough Women’s Club for their Christmas giving tree,
  • $250.00 to the Christmas store that provided gift cards to residents in need, $150.00 to the Bridges organization and
  • $150.00 to the Nashua Children’s home.  

We also continue to support the Parent’s Cafe, a project of the Boys and Girls Club. 

All of these projects are made possible through the generosity of our members.  Thank you!