You Are Invited

Come To Church This Sunday!

If you haven’t tried the virtual Zoom church service, here’s what you can expect: A regular order of worship with readers and music. No surprises! Inspirational slide shows accompany the music.

Communion Sunday

On Communion Sunday, you gather your elements and they are blessed before sharing.

The music on Christmas Eve was wonderful. Music Director, Pat Cauchon, the Music Committee, and choir members have worked hard on expanding on the musical offerings.

Some choir members have been singing solos for the hymns, working with Pat individually. Recorded anthems have also been added to round out the services. Thank you all for doing this.

The words to the hymns are provided on screen, so you can sing along at home to any of those, as well as the Gloria Patri and Doxology.

Participants welcomed

If you would like to participate in the service, other than just enjoying it, readers are needed to voice the responses and share the Gospel readings.

There is a lot of work that goes into making the service “seamless” – led by Del and Pastor Kerry. We thank them endlessly for this gift each week.

Blessings to all! See you on Sunday!