worship service notes

Worship Service Notes

Starting on January 1, 2023, our winter worship will be held in the Parish Hall at 10:00 am. Same time, different room. With the price of heating oil, the decision to not turn the heat on in the Sanctuary was made. We’ll move back before Palm Sunday and Easter.

The Reverend Ann Rodman will be leading worship for several Sundays, with The Reverend Rhonda McCleod leading several others, to get us up to Easter Sunday. Lay leaders may be needed to fill in an odd Sunday or two.

Reverend Ann has offered to share episodes of “The Chosen” series after worship and lead any discussion afterward. January 1 is “The Shepherd”, showing the shepherds as the first to meet Jesus at His birth. January 15 will be “The Rock on Which it is Built.” We meet the first followers and how their lives change in meeting Jesus. Viewers have said that “watching The Chosen series has really made the gospel stories come alive!”

We look forward to watching and discussing this with Reverend Ann. Please put these on your calendars and plan to attend. For more information on the series, browser search: The Chosen or use the following link