Join Us For Worship Each Sunday
You are invited to come to celebrate the presence of God through worship services each Sunday morning.

Our worship service begins at 10:00 AM
Know matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey you are welcome here.
Worship is traditional, without being stale.
We offer worship that lifts your heart with organ, piano, and choir music, engages your mind with scripture and sermon, and enlivens your spirit with prayer and meditation.
Our worship services include:
- Rich music, both instrumental and sung by our choir
- Traditional and contemporary hymns
- Passing the peace, to greet one another in the Spirit of Christ
- Communal prayers of confessions and words of grace
- Scripture reading and a sermon that speaks to biblical and contemporary contexts
- Sharing of our celebrations and concerns during the prayers of the people
- An offering of resources, time, and prayers
- A benediction to send us off into our weeks and into the world
At services throughout the year, we include special elements such as baptizing both children and adults and receiving new members into our congregation.
We share Communion on the first Sunday of every month. On Communion Sundays, the pastor and deacons are available to bring Communion to those who, due to disability or personal situation, may not be able to come to church.
After worship, all are invited to a time of fellowship in the Parish Hall. Visitors are greeted warmly over a cup of coffee and refreshments.