Wilton Lyndeborough Day of Service

Church Missions is working with the Wilton Collaborative Space, the Wilton Lions Charitable Foundation, and the Wilton Community Center.  Plans for the day of service on Saturday, October 15, are in process. 

We have identified 10 areas of concentration. 

All donations and sponsor dollars will be given to the Open Cupboard Pantry to help fill their shelves for this fall and winter.

1) Walk or pledge in a walkathon
2) Pickup roadside trash or pledge to support
3) Weed and remove invasive plants from town property
4) Help clear and prune trails at the Wilton Reservoir
5) Stencil storm drains to protect our water supply
6) Assist seniors/veterans with the outdoor cleanup
7) Help weed the community garden
8) Help clean the Historical Society rooms
9) Assemble and stock a 24-hour available food pantry
10) Prime and paint the Still Good Shed (October 13/14)

If you cannot work that day, please consider sponsoring someone on a project.  For more information, or to volunteer, please email WLdayofservice@gmail.com or speak to a member of Missions. 

At the end of the service day, Missions is sponsoring a free spaghetti supper, open to the public, in celebration of all the work done.