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When will live services begin again?

The Church Council met in July to discuss how soon it will be before we can worship in person again in our church. It was decide that, for now, we will continue to worship via Zoom meetings.

The Council will meet again in early August to discuss what worship would look like, as there are many details to consider to meet CDC Guidelines for public meetings.

Some of those things are

  • traffic patterns to get people in and out
  • sanitizers,
  • masks
  • social distances
  • maximum capacity,
  • screening at the door,
  • no singing
  • no physical greetings.
  • As with anything in this age, is there liability?

There are no simple answers.

But rest assured that everyone misses their church family. We have to make sure that the most vulnerable are protected.

There will be an outdoor service at Cathedral of the Pines On September 27 at 10:00 am. More details coming.

In the meantime, we would love to see you as well. Please join the weekly Zoom service at 9 AM each Sunday. Please contact the church office at to get the login information.

We will keep everyone posted on when we can resume live services in our church