The Reverend Anne Rodman has introduced us to the film series called “The Chosen” which presents the life and times of Jesus in stories true to the Gospels. It imagines what Jesus, the apostles, and other disciples may have been like. The description used by many “it brings the Gospels alive.” The series has an excellent cast and tells about the characters, providing back stories gleaned from clues in the bible.
There are three seasons of about eight episodes each, plus a couple of short Christmas specials.
The series is available for streaming on several services and is available for free from Angel Studios which produces the series. Visit Angel Studios to watch for yourself.
We are watching some of the episodes after church when Reverend Anne is with us. They run for 45 to 60 minutes, and a short discussion has followed. Join us on February 5 and 12 for the next two viewings.