rummage sale

The Next Rummage Sale

Our next Rummage Sale is scheduled for Saturday, May 21, from 9 am to 2 pm.

We have a LOT of good stuff coming out, as we have not been able to have a sale since October.

Look for:

  • LOTS of great clothes for all sizes, seasons and styles
  • LOTS of accessories, shoes, bags, scarves
  • LOTS of coats and jackets
  • LOTS of glassware and dishes
  • LOTS of books, games, music and videos
  • LOTS of toys
  • LOTS of craft items and stuff to repurpose for crafts
  • And LOTS of other things!

Clothes are $5 a bag. Shoes and purses $2. Paperback books 4/$1, hardcovers $1 (grab a lot for a bulk price).

Tell family and friends and help us get the word out!