Supporting Each Other

Greetings, hopefully you receive this before June 6th as that is our opening day for in-person services. And yes, it is a communion Sunday. What better way to celebrate than to do it with communion?

Turning The Corner

I know it has been a long year, but I believe we are turning the corner. I have asked those on our zoom service to let me know if they have been vaccinated. If you did not hear this, would you be willing to let me know? (Confidentially, of course.)

Although the vaccine is not required, it will help us to move forward to have an idea of what percentage are vaccinated. Thank you for your understanding.

Explore The Past Year

So, in the coming months, I would like to explore with you what the past year has been like for you.

  • Are there things you learned about yourself you did not know?
  • Are there some things you have been doing that you would like to continue doing?
  • Are there things you can not wait to get rid of?
  • And really how are you doing?

I am not looking for the casual response “Oh I am fine” because I can tell you, at least for me, it has been a rough year.

I do not think we can just sweep the last year under the rug. Please work together with me on exploring how this has affected you; perhaps it is a loss of some kind. I am hopeful that we can talk openly about this and provide support for each other. I think we can learn a lot from one another about community, loss, isolation, and any other feelings you may have or had.

I look forward to seeing and being with you on June 6th!!

Your servant in Christ,