spring dinner plays

Spring Plays April 1 & 2

The Spring Plays will be held the first weekend in April. Friday, April 1, and Saturday, April 2, at 7 pm both nights. Dessert & coffee will be served at intermission. (We are planning for Dinner Plays to return in the Fall!)

The Parish Hall Players will be back, mixing up their offering with four one-act plays.


A short comedy about a burglary gone wrong and an old codger trying to get his Alexa to work.


A fun story about a household of eccentric characters– all played by one actor – who greets two journalists in search of the mysterious author who submitted an article about multiple personality disorders to their magazine.

Town Crisis

A story about a town crier who is interrupted by a few too many folks offering more interesting and not so “fake” news announcements.

The Masked Avenger

A comedy about a few old cops who just don’t realize that the emergency beacon for The Masked Avenger is supposed to be used for real emergencies!

Ticket Information

Tickets are $10.00 per person and include dessert and beverage. For more information please contact us.