Kick-Off Meeting
The Search Committee’s Kick-Off meeting was held
on June 24 via Zoom with the Reverend Richard
Slater at the NewHampshire ConferenceUCC leading. ReverendSlater reviewed the resources available on the NH UCC website and whois there to assist us along the way.
Process Overview
He gave us an overview of the process. We need to create a profile to go on the website, which will be posted on the NHand national UCCwebsites, we‟interview candidates, pick one and all done! Okay, it‟s not going to be that easy, Rev. Slater indicates it could take 3-4 months to complete just the profile.

The Committee has met almost weekly since then, getting the groundwork laid to do all that.
Church Profile
As we work on the church profile, we plan to ask everyone for their input. Whether that is by a survey, Zoom meetings, or small in-person gatherings – or a combination of these methods – we want to hear from you when we start that process.
Some of the questions for you to consider will be:
- Who are we
- Who is our neighbor
- Who is God calling us to be
- Where are we on ONA
- What are we looking for in a pastor/teacher
- Where do we want to be in 2, 5 or 10 years
- What are some specific concerns you have?
- We ask you to consider these and anything else you might think of.
For More Information please contact the church office