search committee meeting

Search Committee Congregational Meetings

The Search Committee is meeting weekly.

We are gathering information for our profile, which is a comprehensive picture of where we are, who we are, and who we want to become as a church as we move forward with our search for a settled pastor.

We are planning congregational gatherings in socially distanced outdoor meetings and/or Zoom meetings to hear from our members rather than using written surveys.

We encourage everyone to attend one or more meetings

We encourage everyone to attend one or more meetingsto share your thoughts about our direction and a new settled pastor. We hope everyone will participate in their meeting and send additional comments to the committee.

In the next several weeks we will begin to put the collected data to “paper” as we prepare our profile.

The plan is to submit our profile to the UCC this fall so we are “published” as seeking a pastor/teacher no later than the first of the year.

Church By-laws

We will begin reviewing the By-laws this fall as well to determine what updates and changes would be appropriate and present proposed new By-laws to the church for a vote at Annual Meeting. T

he last time our entire By-laws were updated was in 2011 and voted on at Annual Meeting in 2012.

There were 4 amendments adopted between then and now, which will be incorporated into one document.

Thanks to all for your continued support and your future input as we proceed with the congregational meetings very soon.