Resurection in our community image

Resurrection In Our Community

Greetings! Many of us are starting to come out of the shelter of our homes from a year-long hibernation due to the Covid pandemic. I am hopeful that as more of us get the vaccine we will be able to gather in person soon.

The Easter Season – New Growth and New Life

As we continue in the Easter season, I am in awe to watch new growth and new life spring forth. Are you like me in that you plant things during the year and are surprised when, and more importantly where, they sprout! So it is, in the life of the Church, I see things spring up in the most unlikely places.

I am always hesitant to give recognition to any one person or group of the Church for fear of leaving someone out or better yet offending someone. So please keep that in mind as you read on.

I believe that we all know what a trying and difficult year it has been for the Jowders family. They have dealt with loss, heartbreak, and, yet, have also welcomed new life to their family. I believe that this is an example of what the resurrection means for us. That new life will enter our lives.

By now you might be wondering what this has to do with the newsletter, let me try and explain. Each time the Jowders family experienced a loss, one of the first things they did was to think about how they could help the Church. I recall Sue stating at a meeting “we want to do something that will last so people will remember them”. So it was that when Mom (Priscilla) passed away a fund was established.

Before anything was done with the fund, John passed, and the fund grew even more with the outpouring of love and respect that John had in the community as well as the Church. In case you did not know, John was a trustee of the Church, he cared deeply about the building, but more than that he cared about the people. Comfort is a word that comes to mind for me, and so it was that the Jowders family paid for the replacement of the heating system in the Sanctuary.

Earlier this year, Dad (Allen/Rollie) passed as a result of the virus, once again the family was dealt a loss, and yes, once again, they thought of a way in which they might give to the Church in remembrance of the family.

All three of these people gave of their time, talent, and of themselves for the community that meant so much to them. And once again they thought of a way to give back to the Church.

I am pleased to share with you that in the coming weeks you will see a lot of work being done on the front yard (hard to call it a lawn!) But that will change, Sue Jean has been working extremely hard to line up a contractor who not only will redo the front yard with new soil and grass, but also has arranged for an in-ground irrigation system to be installed. (none of this is at a cost to the church) We are hopeful that it will be complete and needs to be mowed before Rollie’s service is held in July!

So why this in the newsletter?

Because I believe that this is an example of what the resurrection means to me, that out of loss and difficulty, we can rise above it all and bring new life and hope to our community. I know it is not the building but is it not possible that a well-kept building could be a beacon of hope for the rest of the community, that thru it all we will rise up and serve those who need us.

As I stated earlier, I am aware that I will overlook someone(s), I am grateful to the entire Jowders family for their care and support of your Church!

Your servant in Christ,

Pastor Kerry