Prospering Your Own Soul

Prospering your own Soul

Greetings all! I must admit July was not what I had planned on. I had a plan to sit in the sun, read, and float on the lake. Well, I was able to read, and I didn’t need to go to the lake to float!! However, I was able to reflect on what is going on in the world and in my little part of it.

I am grateful that so many people stepped up to fill the Sundays that I was away. My heartfelt thanks to Josh, Lamar, Lori, and Dana. I was able to listen to each one and I must say they all did an awesome job. Not only did it save the Church some money, but I think it speaks to the depth of those in your community. (Don’t worry that you missed out. If you would like an opportunity, just let me know).

The Story of Exodus

One of the things that comes to mind for me is the story of the Exodus. In this story, Moses is trying to help lead the Israelites out of Egypt, to free them from slavery among other things. But the more he tried to help the more they complained. The Lord showed Moses many signs, the burning bush, he turned his staff into a snake. But even with all this, they grumbled “why did you bring us here just to die, we were better off in Egypt”. The story speaks of how in some cases we would rather stay in a situation and be miserable, rather than move forward, or better yet change the situation.

We want God to intervene in our lives when “we think it needs help” but are we willing to listen to God all the time? It is only when we give all of ourselves to God that we are truly followers.

How do we do it?

I think we can start with a prayer; it goes something like this:

I encourage you to pray this prayer every day for at least a week, and just see what can happen!

Lord, here I am. I trust that you have an incredible plan for me. Transform me. Transform my life. Everything is on the table. Take what you want to take and give me what you want to give. I make myself 100 percent available to you today. Transform me into the person you created me to be, so I can live the life you envisioned for me at the beginning of time. I hold nothing back. I am 100 percent available. Lead me, challenge me, encourage me, and open my eyes to all your possibilities. Show me what it is you want me to do, and I will do it. Amen.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon,

Your servant in Christ,

Pastor Kerry