Prepared to serve

The New Hampshire Conference UCC Prepared to Serve event will be held February 24, 2024, at Pembroke Academy in Pembroke NH. There are four blocks of workshops and everyone is invited to sign up for a workshop in each time slot with a boxed lunch, or take three and have a lunch break and review the exhibits.  The fee is $50.00 for all the workshops and a great lunch. 

Here is a sampling of some of the offerings: 

  • “Listening to the Holy Spirit”,
  • “Creative Worship at the Intersection of Scripture and our Lives”,
  • “Caring for each other thru Lay Visitors programs”,
  • “Best Financial Practices for Churches”,
  • “Praying in Color”
  • “The Transformed Congregation”.  

Visit the website and go to “events” to find the PTS brochure with a detailed schedule and the workshop descriptions. The pre-registration fee is $50, but Second Congregational Church will cover the fee if that is a hardship for you. We strongly believe this is an educational and energizing day and well worth the time and effort to attend.

“Prepared to Serve 2024 is your opportunity to expand your knowledge,  connect with like-minded individuals and take home resources that will enrich your congregational experience.

“Join us for a day of growth, transformation, and empowerment. Together,  let’s create new possibilities and explore new horizons.”