Prayers For Ukraine

Prayers For Ukraine

Yesterday and again today the whole world is bearing witness to an unprovoked act of war of Russian troops invading Ukraine. Citizens, like you and me living their lives, going to work, raising families, dreaming of a better tomorrow. Now they pick up what they can and head for over crowed train stations, embedded in traffic jams as they literally run for their lives. As we sit and watch from the comfort of our own living rooms, I know it is heart-wrenching to watch such senseless death and destruction.

So, there is something that we can all do today, right now! Pray it is what people of faith do.

Gracious and Loving God.

In this time of aggression and violence in Ukraine, we pray for the leaders of the world to stand firm in their commitment to protect the innocent people of Ukraine.

We pray for the people of Ukraine, that they are spared the trauma of war and loss of life.

We pray for all the countries of the region to stand firm and united with Ukraine.

We pray that the aggressors show compassion and restraint as they encounter the innocent people of Ukraine.

We pray for and support the brave people of Russia who are standing up against an unprovoked act of war regardless of the consequences.

We pray that nonviolent acts prevail in a resolution of peace.

God of compassion, hear our prayers.
