Prayers for summer

Greetings! It has now been a month since we started our in-person services. What a joy it is for me to be with you and see your faces again! We still offer the opportunity for you to join via zoom should in-person not work for you.

I will be on vacation for the month of July working on my reading list of books. I am grateful for the folks who have stepped up to fill the pulpit during my absence. I hope that you will greet them and help me lift them up while they do this service for your Church!

I know for some the lifting of the restrictions means that you will travel to see your loved ones, to give that long-awaited hug! So, my prayer for you is safe travels, and we will hold you in our thoughts and prayers until you return.

I hope that we do not forget the lessons that the past fifteen months has taught us, that we need each other, how much we mean to each other, and that we can use time to help bring people closer to God. Invite them to your Church! Tell them what a great community you belong to!

Be safe, I look forward to seeing you all in August.

Your Servant in Christ, Pastor Kerry