our help

Our Help. Past, Present, and Future.

This month, America marks the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which ended almost 3,000 lives and changed life forever for millions more. The nation was shaken to its very roots, with violence jolting out of us any assumption that “it can’t happen here.” September 11 banished any lingering notion that being on the side of “liberty and justice for all” served as insulation against mass tragedy. We now had more to fear than fear itself.

Psalm 46 reminds us that “though the earth should change” (v. 2) — as it did on 9/11 —God remains “our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (v. 1). We are never alone or without hope, even on life-altering days.

How have God’s presence and power sustained you through life’s changes? How might sharing your story help someone else when their world or faith gets shaken?

—adapted from The Wired Word