Our Church Organ: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

As we prepare to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Second Congregational Church next year, let’s not forget the 150th anniversary of the organ this year. Every year we have the organ tuned and serviced by Andover Organ Co., but currently, our organ needs some extra TLC. Like any piece of equipment or building, the organ needs maintenance, and sometimes, a major overhaul. Think of it as the 70,000-mile service on your car, or replacing the roof on your home.

Summer Plans

This summer the Andover Organ company will be removing the Great manual keyboard and the actions and taking them back to Methuen for rebuilding, to address that clacking sound you may have heard, and other issues. They will also remove the coupler mechanisms from the foot pedals and rebuild them. There will be lots of small adjustments, lubrications, and replacements of leather and felt parts. When it is all done, they will come back to Wilton and reinstall, tune and adjust the keyboards as needed. The cost of these repairs is $11,000.00.

Ella Anderson Trust Grant

The church applied for and received, an Ella Anderson Trust grant of $5,000.00 toward this work. The decision was made by the Budget Committee to use the funds in our Hutchinson Music Fund to cover part of the cost. The balance left to raise is $5,157.55. We hope you will consider giving a donation toward the refurbishment of our organ. We have an offer to match any donations we receive, so your gift will be doubled automatically! Please send your gift to the church at PO Box 246, Wilton NH 03086, with Organ Fund on the memo line. (Or you may bring it to worship, appropriately labeled.)

We have a truly unique instrument, beloved by organists who come to play it, and we should do all we can to preserve it for future generations to enjoy. Working together, we can make this happen. Thank you!