Open and Affirming

The Pastoral Search Committee will be finalizing our church profile in the upcoming months.  This profile will be posted on the NHCUCC website as we search for a settled pastor.  It is important for our congregation to decide how we stand on the Open and Affirming (ONA) guidelines.  We would like to have a congregational vote on this important issue in the near future.

Committee members and Pastor Kerry will be available after every service and we encourage you to ask questions and share your thoughts.  

Church Meeting

There will be a special church meeting immediately after service on June 12th to have a formal vote.  Information will be mailed to every member prior to the vote with a ballot included in the envelope.  Members are encouraged to come to the special meeting on the 12th; the ballots will be provided if you cannot attend or would rather vote anonymously.  We sincerely appreciate your careful consideration of this.