We want to rekindle our case for becoming an ONA congregation.
Some webinars are coming up in the next few months that discuss how and why congregations choose the path to publicly make the declaration.
Pastor Kerry has also met with the group and continues to support everyone in the congregation, regardless of their position on this issue.
Stay tuned for Fall Zoom Meetings

It is not safe right now to meet and discuss in person. Next month we hope to meet as a committee and then have open discussions on the zoom platform this fall.
In the meantime here are some thoughts on the process.
Q. What can I expect in an ONA church?
A. A community of faith where you and your family are safe!
Because each congregation in the United Church of Christ is independent, and therefore free to make its own decisions, there is abroad diversity of theology and practice in our tradition.
In the UCC, there is no hierarchy that can impose uniformity on our churches. Each ONAcongregation has independently adopted anOpen and Affirmingcovenant after a journey of dialogue, study, and prayer.
There are differences between congregations, but generally, an ONA Church’s
- are a safe space for open and honest conversations about human sexuality and gender identity.
- encourages LGBTQ members to serve in lay and ordained leadership.
- celebrates same-sex weddings.