Missions Update July 2024

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the May missions project, providing personal hygiene and snacks for the homeless in the Manchester area.  Alexandra Lominy spoke to us of how she works with the homeless.  We filled over 40 bags with toothpaste, a toothbrush, deodorant, snacks, a beverage and other requested items.  We were also able to send Alexandra with a lot of extras that she can use to supplement future distributions.

The Missions Committee would like to send out a special thank you to Ann Lorden.  Over the winter, Ann knit over 14 prayer shawls and donated them to our supply.  What a generous gift, thank you, Ann!  If you know of someone who would benefit from a prayer shawl, please see someone on the Missions Committee.

Linus blankets workshops will continue through the summer.  We average about 25 completed blankets every month.  These blankets are then distributed through the Monadnock chapter of Project Linus.  Your contributions to Mission Possible monthly collections help to fund this.  Linus meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 10:00.  Come join us.

The fidget blanket workshop is on pause for the summer.  In the past year we have donated over 50 blankets to various nursing homes, adult workshops and elementary schools.  We will meet again in the fall.

The May Mission Possible collection was $152.00.  Thank you!