Mission Possible

We give to grow strong

When the world is at its worst, it needs the church at its best — a strong church. We strengthen the church by giving. We give because we care deeply for Christ and his kingdom, and for the hurting humanity of our time. We give our time, our money, our energy, and our talent. We give to promote and develop programs, resources, leadership, family life, evangelism, and more. We give guidance, encouragement, and help to those in need. We give to establish new churches, new ministries, and new missions. We give so the kingdom can grow — grow strong.

Mission is everywhere

The word “mission” often implies traveling to another country to teach and work. The work done in foreign missions is important, of course, but we can’t all make the trip. What we can do, however, is be faithful servants where we live. Mission is about putting the face and name of Jesus in front of those who don’t know him. We can do that in many ways — any place and any day.