lent 40 days for searching

Lent” Forty Days For Searching

Greetings from my Covid 19 workplace (my couch!). I have been given a lot of time this year to think about what Lent means to me, not only because of the pandemic but because of the things that I have taken for granted.

What is lent?

Lent is a period of forty days of reflection and preparation before the celebration of Easter; you cannot have one without the other.

Inasmuch, as it is the very foundation of our faith, most Christians do not attend or observe Ash Wednesday services, let alone seek the meaning of Lent.

Which brings me to the message I would like to talk about

A seeker is searching for something or someone. Your Church has assembled a “search committee” to find a settled Pastor.

During Lent, we are called to search for ways to change behavior or attitudes, and to” seek” forgiveness of sin, and to join in the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.

When we break it all down and try to make it a simple task, we are undermining the hard work, sacrifice, determination, dedication that goes into the searching.

Have you ever lost anything?

At first, you are calm, looking where you “think” it is and as time goes by you get a little more anxious almost to the point of panic! When someone is lost, we create a “search party” – the party looks and looks and if they are lucky, they find what or who they are looking for. But have you ever noticed that the “one” who does the finding gets all the credit as if everyone else was not looking hard enough? There will always be critics of the way you did your search or of your results of it! But do not lose heart, because the one whom you seek wants you to find Him.

My hope for you as you go through your Lenten journey is that you discover places and things that you did not think possible and that you invite the Holy Spirit into your search. I can not wait to hear you all yell, “I Found It”…..

Your servant in Christ,

Pastor Kerry