Lent a Time of Reflection

Lent a Time of Reflection

Greetings! March 2 is Ash Wednesday.

It’s probably not something you give much thought to. Most Christians prefer to keep Easter and Christmas as events that are near and dear to them.

Unfortunately, we must have the whole story which is not all that pleasant. There was suffering, betrayal, mocking, and mistreatment. Sound familiar?

Even today we are watching this kind of treatment and this time it is to an entire country, and that is just the one that is in the news today. People are being mistreated all over the world.

Lenten Season is About Repentance

Much of the Lenten season is about repentance, turning back towards God, a reflection of our (your) past behavior. Is there some or any of your recent past that could use some fine-tuning? God gives us this time and opportunity to perhaps right some wrongs, or at the very least, correct some of our misgivings.

I hope that you will join me in this journey. We have been in isolation long enough. It is time for all of us to come back to community and to God, now more than ever.

At least as far as the Biblical story goes, we know the outcome, but what if we lived it as if we did not?

Pack light! It is a long and sometimes difficult journey, but together we can do it!

Your servant in Christ,

Pastor Kerry