It Only Takes A Spark

I found this list of possible ministry ideas which suggests “signs of a well-rounded, active church:”

• A grief support group
• An illness support group
• A readers’ group focusing on Christian books
• Dinner groups
• Choirs for all ages
• Mission and disaster-relief groups
• Prayer chains
• Groups that serve the poor and hungry
• A church nurse
• A spiritual-formation leader
• A shawl ministry (people who make shawls for shut-ins)
• A Stephen ministry
• Stewardship classes
• A Habitat for Humanity working group
• A family-ministry program
• A support group for domestic-violence victims
• A place for members to exercise
• A group that works to provide college scholarships for high school graduates
• A group that supports seminary students

The List Doesn’t Need To Stop There…

I highlighted the ones that I know we’ve experienced in the past – even if not exactly as described.
We are proud of the way we are able to make a difference. Our Missions Committee earns kudos for leading the way with scholarships, prayer shawls and Linus blankets, organizing lunch for the Habitat workers, and building disaster-relief packages.

If some of these activities are in hibernation right now – where do you think you could help make a difference?
Can you organize a reading group? Or a support group for an interest important to you? Would you like to explore a Stephen Ministry and help with the training?
Perhaps you have your own great idea just waiting for encouragement to put it in motion.

As the song says, “It only takes a little spark, to get a fire going..”

Blessings to all,

Your servant in Christ