
How Could We Be Thankful

How could we be thankful?

Greetings! It’s that time of year that excites people, but some dread.

The colors are bright, the sky is a different shade of blue, and there is that crisp air.

Then there is the rush to put things away; to hunker down if you will because we all know what is coming. First is the time change. We leave in the dark and come home in the dark! And then comes the snow. Now I understand not everyone dislikes the snow like me, and I do feel sorry for them…

But to be honest I enjoy this month the most. During normal times we would gather around the table and share a large meal; go for a walk to make more room for the endless desserts; then complain about how much we eat and promise not to do it again, at least until next year.

“I like this time of year because I have an opportunity to give thanks for all the blessings, I have been given all year long.”

Now, do I have to wait until now? No, but when we have the time set aside to give thanks for the meal (it is after all Thanksgiving), the focus is on the ―thanks.

Some of you may disagree, saying with this Covid-19, how can we be thankful. Well if we think back to last March when this all started we where told it will just be a couple of weeks, and then it was just a month, it has now been eight going on nine months. How could we be thankful?

Well here it is for me, I never thought I would be doing services on zoom, we have been able to continue with the book study, we have had search committee meetings every week for months. I have meet neighbors I never would have met. I have been pushed way beyond my comfort zone. I have been shopping for my mother almost every week, and now share that with my brother which gives all of us time together that we would not have done otherwise. So yes, I am thankful for all the blessings I have received so far this year, I am still not happy about the snow, however I am thankful for what comes next!!

May you have a Happy Thanksgiving, what ever it may look like for you this year.

Peace, your servant in Christ
