We have come to that time of year when things change rapidly and drastically. All the life that appeared throughout the spring and summer is ending. We try and hold onto it as best we can; some will buy mum plants hoping that they will give us one more splash of color! My experience has been even those do not last as long as I would like!!
So, what do we do this information and these feelings?

It has been said that we can not have a new beginning without an ending, and we cannot have an ending without a new beginning.
It has been said that we can not have a new beginning without an ending, and we cannot have an ending without a new beginning.
In the gospel of John chapter 2:19, Jesus answered” tear down this temple and I will rebuild it in three days.” This was hard for them to believe or even understand, after all, it had been in the process of being built since about 20BC. Now we know that he was talking about himself, being killed and rising in three days. So, what does this have to do with our current status?
We-you and I-areinthe middle of an interim time for the Church. You want to hold on to all that is familiar to you, but on the other hand you want to bring in new, younger people, you might even want to change the music that “they” might like, but… “I just cannot let go of the hymns that are near and dear to me!!”
I am not suggesting that you tear down the church, but I am suggesting that you look at what is really important to you and the future of the Church. What are you willing to sacrifice, let go of for the good of the whole church community? Having had to deal with COVID 19, we are doing a lot of things we never thought possible. We have had to let go of a lot of very familiar ways of doing things.
As you go through the search process, get involved, share your thoughts and your ideas. This is a huge opportunity for you and the church.
Remember that even as we enter into fall and then winter, we come out on the other end with new life, new beginnings, things will sprout! Remember nothing ends without a new beginning!
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Kerry