Kerry's Corner Image

Greetings From Pastor Kerry

I just want you all to know how hard your Church leadership is working.

First, we have been meeting every month – and inAugust will meet within the first two weeks – to try and come up with a plan that would allow us to meet in person. This is no easy task; we are trying to take into consideration everyone’s‟ wellbeing. Stay tuned for more on that.

Your search committee is meeting almost every week.

Although these are all taking place via zoom, the work is even harder this way. You will be seeing some of their work, so watch your mailbox!

Worship Music

Pat Cauchon has “recorded” a lot of music for us. We hope you enjoythat during our worship services via Zoom.

I know these are difficult

It has put a spotlight
on just how much we
depend on each other and
how important it is to see
and be with one another.
How many times have you
been faced with an
obstacle and said to
yourself I can‟t, or I will not
do that?

Did you ever think
that you would have to
wear a face mask to shop?
Did you think you would
have to stay six feet from
your friends?

If you are like
me the answer is no, but it
is exactly the way we must
act now, After a while it
seems like, well almost
like, normal.

For me, it speaks to just
how flexible we can be. In
this time of transitional
ministry, it’s important to
keep that same sense of
open mindfulness.

You will
be asked in the coming
months to do just that,
things like:

  • What does ONA mean
and what does it mean
to me?
  • What do I want in a
  • What does it mean to
me to belong to
Church of Wilton?

  • I do so look forward to
really seeing you soon. Be

In Christ service,

Pastor Kerry