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Getting Back to Normal

I do love this time of year, cool nights, warm days, no bugs. But what comes next.. not so much!

But isn’t it true we have to take the “Bad” with the good? I believe that sometimes we focus too much on the bad. But we have a lot to be grateful for. We are doing our best to get back to some kind of normal.

The deacons and I will be offering home communion for those who are unable to attend Church for whatever reason, so if you would like to be included in this offering, please let the Church office know.

It has been a year or so that we have not been able to celebrate All Saints Day, but I am happy to say that on the last Sunday of October we will be.

This involves everyone who wants to participate by coming forward and lighting a candle for the Saint in your life. It is one of my favorite services to do.

Your servant in Christ,

Pastor Kerry