Fall Dinner Plays

On Friday and Saturday, November 10 and 11, at 7 PM dinner is served!  Followed by two one-act plays sure to make you laugh.

On the menu: 

A pork loin dinner with homemade applesauce, mashed potatoes and vegetables.  Dinner includes salad, rolls, and dessert.  The cost is $20.00 per person  for a feast and  an evening of entertainment.

Here are the plays and casts:

Awaiting Patients

It’s a typical afternoon in the local doctor’s office, and the waiting room is filled with all sorts of patients. There’s the extremely pregnant lady craving Nutella and cantaloupe, her flustered fiancé, the 77-year old who really needs the restroom, the mid-western suburban mom, and the local oddball, who has made it his duty to hit on the receptionist. There’s only one person missing and that’s “Cartwright,” the next patient on the  list  

The Dummest Play Ever!

It’s a series of short skits that show just how dumb some people can be: from a mime trying to rob a bank to a game show where even the simplest questions can’t be answered.

Contact us for ticket information