Jesus said to Mary, do not hold me, but go to my brethren and say to them, I am ascending” John 20:17
After the Easter High of Resurrection
So, as we come off from the Easter high of resurrection and hope, what do we do with it? As some of you may already know and if not, it is mentioned in this newsletter. The search committee with the guidance and support of the Reverend Richard Slater and the NHCUCC offered me a contract for two more years, which I have accepted.

Now you might be wondering what this has to do with resurrection, if we look at the biblical meaning, Jesus was killed and “was raised on the third day”. But when he appeared to those who knew him, they did not recognize him.
As we slowly come out of the Covid-19 pandemic, we are being resurrected; we are being given an opportunity to “bring new vigor to” the church.
Jesus did not just pick up from where he ended.
He brought new life to those who might have had doubts about him. I believe that we are being given a similar opportunity or challenge. We do not have to do things the way we use to; you are not the same church that you were a year ago.
Some of the areas that the search committee identifies as places that needed work were communication, ONA, and finance.
I would like to address the communication piece first.
This is not just about putting things in the newsletter or on Facebook. It is more about how we communicate with each other: do you listen with the thought “I know what they are going to say” so you have a response ready long before they finish? Or “I know the answer to this one! Been there, tried it did not work then why try again?” (remember new vigor?) And this one will kill any new ways or participation:” I have been here XX years so you can not tell me anything new.”
If any of this strikes a chord with you remember “do not hold me,” let us work together and bring the resurrected Jesus and new life to your church.
I believe we are being given a HUGE opportunity to find some good out of all we have gone through this past year. I also know that I have a lot of work to do myself, after all, I still have some things from high school (like those bell-bottoms I know will come back someday!!)
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Kerry