Christmas – A Time of Joy

Greetings! By the time you get this you will have already celebrated Thanksgiving, but, nonetheless, Happy Thanksgiving!

For me, every year it seems that Advent and Christmas come upon us a little earlier.

My goal at this time of year is to slow down; don’t be so busy. That’s not to say I won’t get things done, but I want to be more intentional about them.

Advent calls us to have Hope, see the Joy, work for Peace, and above all Love.

So my hope is that you can join us either in person or via zoom to be part of the joy. Let’s face it, this year it has been difficult to see the joy around us.

We can work for peace even it’s just around ourselves.

We can spread the love of God to all we meet no matter if we know them or not.

So please take the time this year to really enjoy the Advent season as we prepare for the birth of the child that will change our lives forever. Merry Christmas to all.

Your servant in Christ,

Pastor Kerry