Book Nook, Thoughts on Reading The Bible

With summer approaching, there may be some free time. Reading the Bible is the perfect book for the summer. For a lighter look…

Get out your calculator

• Begin with 66, the number of books in the Bible.
• Add 13, the number of Paul’s books in the New Testament.
• Add 7, the number of churches in Asia Minor (Revelation 1:4).
• Multiply by 3, the Trinity.
• Multiply by 12, the number of tribes in Israel.
• Multiply by 12 again, for the Apostles.
• Add 600, Noah’s age when the flood came.
• Add 3, for Noah’s sons.
• Add 30 the age of Jesus when he began his ministry.
• Finally, add 33, the age of Jesus at his crucifixion.
• Now, press the equal sign, turn the calculator around and read the number upside down. You’ll see the source for the solution to all of life’s problems.

There’s an app for that!

These days, there’s a smartphone app for just about everything. But what about spiritual concerns? Where can you turn?

• Depressed? Try the joy app. Read Isaiah 51:11.
• Tired? Try the renewal app. Read Isaiah 40:30-31.
• Unsettled? Try the peace app. Read Philippians 4:7.
• Unloved? Try the love app. Read Romans 8:38-39.
• Worried? Try the refuge app. Read Psalm 46:1.
• Fearful? Try the power app. Read 2 Timothy 1:7.
• Guilty? Try the forgiveness app. Read Colossians 1:13-14.
• Praying? Try the prayer app. Read 1 John 5:14-15.

The Scriptures are God’s storehouse of meaningful applications for what we face every day. Think of the Bible as the iTunes Store of spiritual apps. Best of all, everything’s free! (Timothy Merrill)

—Timothy Merrill