Jesus, Our Wellspring

March 12, 2023- With Guest Pastor, Rev. Anne Rodman Third Sunday of Sunday of Lent Scripture Reading Worship Bulletin

Spring Dinner Plays April 14 and 15

“Peril on the Mighty Mississippi” Set sail on the maiden voyage of the Mighty Mississippi, a brand-new riverboat with a […]

Born Again

March 5, 2023- With Guest Pastor, Dr. Rev. Rhonda MacLeod Second Sunday of Sunday of Lent Scripture Reading Worship Bulletin

200th anniversary events

Here is a partial list of events scheduled for our 200th Anniversary celebration:

Resisting Temptation

February 26, 2023 – With Guest Pastor, Dr. Rev. Rhonda MacLeod First Sunday of Lent Scripture Reading Worship Bulletin

Love Your Neighbor

February 19, 2023 – With Guest Pastor, Dr. Rev. Rhonda MacLeod Transfiguration Sunday Scripture Reading Worship Bulletin

Lenten Signals

Why should we observe Lent? This 40-day season of repentance and reflection that begins on Ash Wednesday has three important […]

Sermon title - shining and shaken out

Shining and Shaken Out

February 12, 2023 – With Guest Pastor Rev. Anne Rodman Sixth Sunday After Epiphany Scripture Reading Worship Bulletin