Be Strong Family Virtual Parent Cafe

The Second Congregational Church of Wilton’s Missions Committee is one of the sponsors for a new local family support program called “Be Strong Families Virtual Parent Café.” We encourage our members to share this information with other family members that face the joys and challenges of parenting and/or child care. While we look to serve the greater Milford, Wilton, and Lyndeborough families, all parents from any community are welcome!

The plan is to plan a new Cafe every other month meeting going forward.

There are a few seats still open for the Virtual Parent Café – hope you can join us!
Wednesday, May 19th, 7 PM Be Strong Families
Virtual Parent Café – “Taking Care of Yourself”
Registration link

Some background from their website

The Parent Café process was designed as parent-to-parent support for families. Cafés are structured discussions that use the principles of adult learning and family support. They are highly sustainable with training reinforcement, institutional support, and a commitment to an approach that engages and affirms parents as leaders. Participants leave Parent Cafés feeling inspired, energized, and excited to put into practice what they’ve learned.

Be Strong Families™ Protective Factors are:

• Resilience: Parent Resilience
• Relationships: Positive Social Connections
• Support: Concrete Support in Times of Need
• Knowledge: Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development
• Communication: Social and Emotional Competence

Contact us with any questions.