All-Church Picnic June 4 kicks off our 200th anniversary celebration

Looking through the pictures, memorabilia, and records depicting the beginning of the Second Congregational Church of Wilton NH, I’ve noticed a steady theme through the last 200 years has been fellowship, stewardship, compassion, and more fun! 

 200 years is a very long time. Yet through all the trials, tribulations and traditions that God has blessed our church and families, it’s a great time to remember some of those traditions that were experienced on these grounds. 

As a past Angel of our Church, Pricilla Jowders, always reminded those of us who worry, that “God takes good care of this church.”  

All Church Picnic

Our first kick off event is planned for Sunday, June 4, 2023 as an ALL Church Picnic.  After the worship hour there will be a time for memories, songs, games and fellowship as we enjoy a Potluck Lunch on our own property.  Bring a salad, dessert, or side dish to share (enough for 6-8 people) at the “Sharing Tables.”  The church will provide drinks, utensils, and sandwiches / luncheon selections.  

We expect to have a photo booth (indoors) and a sitting quiet circle while outside there will be live music and some fun family games. If you have an idea for games – the list is just beginning – please let someone on the committee know.   

More information about more Anniversary Plans will be brought forward on Sundays and updated in the weekly news items sent out by the Church Office. We are looking to book a time for gathering for a Book Study (TBD) as well as a historical look and presentation about our church as seen by the Wilton Community. 

Hold these dates:

  • Friday, July 7 (Cribbage, Cards and Games Night)
  • Saturday, September 9  4 PM Choir Concert with refreshments to follow
  • Sunday, October 8 10 AM Worship Anniversary Blessing and Luncheon