A Christmas Harvest

Last summer, my family and I were fortunate to spend time together and to visit the birthplace of Helen Keller, in Tuscumbia AL.

I have always admired Miss Keller, but visiting the homestead and hearing the miraculous story of her transformation from a wild spoiled child to the accomplished woman she became, was truly impressive.

Helen was born healthy in 1880, but severe meningitis left her blind and deaf at the age of 18 months. By the age of seven, her parents had no control over Helen. They could not communicate with her at all, so she just did what she wanted.. And reigned terror over the family

Enter Anne Sullivan, who became Helen’s teacher and life-long companion.

Once Anne “unlocked” Helen’s mind by teaching her to read and write, there was no stopping Helen. She even learned to speak. She attended various schools, including Radcliffe College, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree.

She became a prolific writer in her own right and was a world-traveling champion of the disabled.
You can listen to this speech at www.LionsClubs.org.  I highly recommend it.

As we all know, the Lions took up the challenge and have done wonderful work creating programs that help prevent blindness.  This includes our local chapter which meets at our church.

I came across the following quote by Helen Keller to share with you:

“Christmas is the harvest time of love. Souls are drawn to other souls.  All that we have read and thought and hoped comes to fruition at this happy time.  Our spirits are astir.  We feel within us a strong desire to serve.  A strange, subtle force, a new kindness, animates man and child.  A new spirit is growing in us.  No longer are we content to relieve pain, to sweeten sorrow, to give the crust of charity. We dare to give friendship, service, the equal loaf of bread, and love.”

Helen Keller

May the subtle forces at work this Christmas, stir your hearts with a new kindness moving into the new year.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!