2023 Church Events – Save the Dates!

We are getting ready for a busy 2023.

April 15 & 16 brings the Spring Dinner Play.

May: we are hoping the weather will be great to have a yard/rummage sale. That will be on May 21.

In late May we will start the One –Ten Club raffle. We are hoping everybody will help sell tickets. Maybe some one can be outside the Post Office or come up with another great way to sell more tickets!

We are talking about having a Coffee House for all ages. Do you have a talent that you’d like to share on stage? Think about it. You’ll hear more about that later.

There will be a game night or cribbage night coming up. That’s still in the planning stages.

Don’t forget that there will be some 200th Year Anniversary events coming up. There will be a tea and a musical event and some other surprises.

Thank you all for your support. Keep your ideas coming. We’ll try to do them all!